Monday, November 2, 2009

How to Upload themes to Cydia

I got a tweet the other day asking how to upload your own themes to Cydia.

If you're uploading a free theme that you do not want to sell, the easiest way to upload themes to Cydia is to submit them to, as they offer a very nice option for hosting your themes and apps.

Here's the link to submit:

Submit your package to Cydia via

Alternately, you can create your own repo, instructions can be found at this link:

How to Create a Cydia Repo

The above guide is not mine. published this Wiki with permission from MaXimus, it's original creator. So all credit for the Cydia repo tutorial goes to him. It really is a great step by step tutorial.

Jay Freeman (saurik) maker of Cydia also has a nice walkthrough of hosting repos on his own side found here:

saurik: how to host repos on Cydia

This isn't really a tutorial, but more of an information guide for those who want to host their own repos or upload themes to Cydia. I've had a few people ask me how to do this, and the more who know how, the more cool themes for all of us to download!

Hope it helps!
